
Photographic Books Published by PRISM


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Prism has published three books so far about photography.  The Published books are:

1) The Basics of Photography by Rafiqul Islam: from first publication to third edition: First publication was on film based photography. But the second/third are  totally based on digital photography. The 180 page book is especially useful for the novice. This book is also published in English language.

2) Photography Kolakoushal O Monon by Rafiqul Islam: from first publication to seventh edition: First publication, second and third editions were on film based photography. But the fourth to seventh editions are totally written on digital photography. The 322 page book is for advanced learners. Techniques, tips of digital photography and aesthetics have been broadly discussed in this book.

3)  Shadakalo O Rongin Dark Room Technique  by Rafiqul Islam: This is no more published after first publication because of technological change.




Prokashona Utshab; Monon 4th Edition


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